Geometric dialogues. Stories with Grandpa.
Includes supporting material on CD
With simplicity, imagination, but also scientific documentation, the grandfather tries to lead the grandson on the paths of another way to the knowledge of geometry and its demystification.
With the unique weapons of imagination and simple, simple logic, in the thirty-eight dialogues between grandfather and grandson, geometry is approached philosophically in the company of Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Aristotle, Euclid, the Peripatetics, Aristarchus. Not missing from the group are Vitruvius, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael. No special skill is needed to understand geometry, to decode it, to relate it to one’s other knowledge and to integrate it into one’s daily life, as one should with any knowledge. That is why the interdisciplinary approach to knowledge is an integral part of this book.
The effort of the mentor grandfather is to help his grandson to understand why he goes to school, why he should not be “afraid” of geometry, how to expand his knowledge, how to have it in everyday use.
But also to realize that there is no end to the acquisition of knowledge!